Projects Tagged: 'sysadmin'

Fictioneers are designers, facilitators and explorers of collaborative fictional spaces, otherwise known as "Roleplaying Games" and "Storygames". is a directory of the games they play, and conversations about the things they do. come join us and share your experience.

Draconic Magazine

Draconic is a new online magazine dedicated to the roleplaying OSR (Old School Renaissance) and the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, featuring articles by Venger Satanis and other regular contributors. The site also supports photogalleries, Youtube videos and MP3 audio uploads for podcasts. Publisher Korth'thalis wanted a site that was well organized, easy to administer, and looked bad-ass. With Drupal 7 and a custom theme, we delivered.


Anopi Nation

The official website of the Anopi Nation - the Westchester, Los Angeles chapter of the YMCA Indian Guides - made the switch to a Drupal-based system in the Summer of 2010. The new site features a complex but user-friendly application of the Organic Groups and Notifications modules, allowing members of each Tribe to communicate with each other online, post blog entries, upload and their view home-made videos, and learn about upcoming Anopi events. Design by crispelements.

KoRn KoRner

In mid-1997, As If Productions built KoRn KoRner for the then-unknown Sony recording artists KoRn. Working closely with the band’s singer/lyricist Jonathan Davis, the AIP team created a dark and forboding world that became one of the most popular graphical environments on the internet, and co-hosted a series of infamous internet broadcasts known as KoRn’s After School Specials (



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