Projects Tagged: 'documentation'

DayTrippers Open Source Rules version 3.0 - Creative Commons Release

The DayTrippers Source Rules have been updated to version 3.0. In addition to the PDF, the source document is also available in text-only format to facilitate reuse and derivation. These Source Rules are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (Cc By 3.0)


Remember Tomorrow: PDF Forms

Are you a Remember Tomorrow player? You might want to grab a copy of the interactive character and faction sheets below. They're all in one dynamic PDF form, so you can fill them out online or email them to your fellow players.


DayTrippers Adventure Modules 1 & 2 Released

Vidome 123
Less Little

Hot on the tail of the core rules, the first two adventure modules for DayTrippers are now available on "Less Little" and "Vidome 123".

Less Little is an introductory module for 1-2 players. The tone is dreamlike and humorous with some mildly adult situations, and the plot is firmly guided. This module is recommended for beginning players and campaigns with a whimsical touch.


DayTrippers - Surreal Science Fiction Roleplaying

Calling all DayTrippers! The DayTrippers core rules set is now available on RPGnow and Scribd. All The Realities await you!

"In some sun-bleached barn outside Sacramento, CA circa 2099, a group of physicists, shady g-men, grad-students, tourists and an array of amateur explorers and nü-gonzo-revivalist writer-dudes gather around a collection of strange vehicles that resemble lunar landers. Each is painted a garish colour and prepped to "slip" into a crazy new plane of existence."


The Devil's RPG Dictionary

The Devil's RPG Dictionary was the second in my "Too Far?" series at, a tongue-in-cheek exercise designed to encourage bonding and alleviate boredom. Project contributors include... oh, numerous people, some of whom you may know.
[Open PDF]


ScenePlay enters Beta Testing

ScenePlay is a card-based collaborative narrative game that creates movie and tv stories. It's one of my latest obsessions.

ScenePlay Version 0.13 is a beta test document, which has been released to all members of the As If Collective for edification, playtesting and feedback.

Join the Collective for access to playtest documents and Patron-Only content.



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