Projects Tagged: 'promotional'

The World of South Park

The World of South Park (aka "The South Park Palace") came online in 1997 as part of the Comedy Central website, launching simultaneously with the television debut of the soon-to-be hit series. Beginning with a mere 30 sets and a fanbase of zero, the award-winning site grew over the next three years to include over 200 graphical locations from America's favorite Colorado mountain town.


Reveal Slideshow Demo

Check out this unique way to present text-based or graphical content. Perfect for brochures or promotional slideshows, looks great on anything from phones to desktops. Want one? Let's talk!

Support the Art of AS IF

Welcome to 2017, and welcome to a new way of supporting the work of As If Productions! Over at Patreon, I've divided my projects up into separate pages, allowing Patrons to choose the projects they're most interested in supporting. Please check 'em out, every bit helps and there's always lots of work to do!

The following projects are seeking your support at Patreon:

  • AsIf - the central AIP Patreon account, aka the skunkworks.
  • DayTrippers - expansions, supplements and adventure modules.
  • Fictioneers - directory of small-press RPGs and Storygames.
  • StoryGameSpace - online PBP system for enhanced literary play.
  • UbiquiCity - collaborative near-future sourcebook and anthology.
  • 3StringGuitar - just what it sounds like.


The one-page presence site of W2W recording artists BelleVoxx provided audiences with a first glimpse (and it seems, the last one) of this charismatic trio of female vocalists. The Drupal-based site included embedded videos, a forum, and a full compliment of themed Drupal 6 core features. Design by Paul Chamberlain of Cerebral Itch.

W2W Records

W2W Records is the new record label headed by Frank Thomas - yes, that Frank Thomas - and their debut presence page on the web is a simple but effective sampling of the musical offerings they already have in the works. With the handy jCarousel jQuery plugin by Jan Sorgalla, a fresh design by the ever-resourceful folks at Cerebral Itch and a handful of social media tools, we launched this website in record time.


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