Web Development Portfolio

The web portfolio of As If Productions includes everything from simple "presence sites" to massive directories, e-commerce sites and online communities. Need a new website, or new features for an existing one? Contact Tod Foley for a free consultation and quote.

Axiom Creatives

Website Programming, Database Development and Custom Content Management System. Producer/Designer: Axiom Creatives


Beyond Pairadice Studios

Portfolio Site for the Las Vegas based photography studio of Glenn Brogan.

Legends Retail Co.

E-commerce site for Corliss Williamson's hip-hop & sports clothing store.


Wheel Enhancement

Database Optimization, SEO and Template Design for this retailer of Porsche accessories.  Producer/Designer: Kelley Marketing

Estate Preservation Inc.

Database, CMS and custom events calendar for this provider of estate preservation seminars. HTML by Dennis Wilen.



Marketing website for brand-name consumer coupons.  Design by 77blue.


Alaska, Louisiana

Website design, Palace design, Original Music, PERL, Javascript and media processing for this interactive narrative demo produced by MWG Productions. Original art by Damon Williams. Full multimedia experience requires RealPlayer.
