Projects Tagged: 'virtual worlds'

KoRn KoRner

In mid-1997, As If Productions built KoRn KoRner for the then-unknown Sony recording artists KoRn. Working closely with the band’s singer/lyricist Jonathan Davis, the AIP team created a dark and forboding world that became one of the most popular graphical environments on the internet, and co-hosted a series of infamous internet broadcasts known as KoRn’s After School Specials (


The Romeo + Juliet Masquerade Ball

In 1996, AIP teamed up with Global Doghouse and producers at Revelations Entertainment to produce a popular online version of the Capulet’s Masquerade Ball for the online promotional campaign of 20th Century Fox Film’s Romeo + Juliet. 

Download the Background Images from Romeo + Juliet (ZIP file)


Alaska, Louisiana

Website design, Palace design, Original Music, PERL, Javascript and media processing for this interactive narrative demo produced by MWG Productions. Original art by Damon Williams. Full multimedia experience requires RealPlayer.


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