Projects Tagged: 'sound treatment'

KoRn KoRner

In mid-1997, As If Productions built KoRn KoRner for the then-unknown Sony recording artists KoRn. Working closely with the band’s singer/lyricist Jonathan Davis, the AIP team created a dark and forboding world that became one of the most popular graphical environments on the internet, and co-hosted a series of infamous internet broadcasts known as KoRn’s After School Specials (


The Romeo + Juliet Masquerade Ball

In 1996, AIP teamed up with Global Doghouse and producers at Revelations Entertainment to produce a popular online version of the Capulet’s Masquerade Ball for the online promotional campaign of 20th Century Fox Film’s Romeo + Juliet. 

Download the Background Images from Romeo + Juliet (ZIP file)



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