Donations for OCCUPY LAS VEGAS
As webmaster and Tech Team member for Occupy Las Vegas, I have decided to perform an autonomous action. The group cannot take tax-deductible donations without a 501(c)3 status, and this has prevented us from being able to receive online donations. As you can imagine, it's tough asking everyone to come down physically just to donate.
So I'm using my own website to perform this service on the group's behalf. You can use the "Donate" button below to send money via Paypal. ALL MONEY RECEIVED WILL GO DIRECTLY TO OCCUPY LAS VEGAS. You can attend or watch our meetings live, to make sure I deliver your donation. If you have a note for the General Assembly, let me know and I'll pass your message along. If you don't trust me, don't do it.
- Tod Foley
(Note: your donation will NOT be tax-deductible.)