Projects Tagged: 'science'

The Difference between Narrative and Story - Pt 2

In the first installment of this series, we looked at the differences between Story, Narrative, and Narrative Structure. A Narrative Structure is the shape and purpose of a Story, absent the mundane, non-archetypal details. As for "Narrative" vs "Story", some banal but substantiating links I found were this and this.

But for my money (and politics aside), the most interesting one by far was this


ScenePlay enters Beta Testing

ScenePlay is a card-based collaborative narrative game that creates movie and tv stories. It's one of my latest obsessions.

ScenePlay Version 0.13 is a beta test document, which has been released to all members of the As If Collective for edification, playtesting and feedback.

Join the Collective for access to playtest documents and Patron-Only content.


The Difference between Narrative and Story

The words "Narrative" and "Story" are often used interchangeably, but they are not synonymous.


Stat Conversion - 1d100 to Powered by the Apocalypse

If you're interested in running oldschool characters in a PbtA system, or using PbtA moves in a d100-based game, you need a way to convert stats and moves between the two systems. Here is my 1d100 to PbtA Stats conversion table...


The F.I.R.M. System - How Interactive Are Your Media?

The word "Interactive" has been applied to virtually everything, from electronic toys to sophisticated works of tech-art. But what exactly is "Interactivity"? The computer has been described as "an interactive tool". But if I pick up a hammer and feel its weight in my hand, am I not interacting with the tool?



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