Freelance Writer/Editor - Available for Your Project
Since the late 80s I've written and edited fiction and nonfiction, game rules, technical manuals, user guides, tech journalism, literary theory, game theory and entertainment reviews, with a focus on science fiction, games, and interactive media. I was Senior Editor of a nationally-distributed magazine called "PIX-Elation" in the 90s, and am currently curating and editing UbiquiCity; a science fiction anthology and system-agnostic GM's sourcebook. Looking for a freelance writer or editor? Contact me here and we'll discuss your project.
Portfolio of Written Works
My credits include:
- Space Master Companion (Iron Crown Enterprises, 1987) roleplaying game rules - co-author
- Beyond the Core (Iron Crown Enterprises, 1987) roleplaying game setting - author
- Tales of Deep Space (Iron Crown Enterprises, 1987) roleplaying game setting - author
- War on a Distant Moon (Iron Crown Enterprises, 1988) roleplaying game setting - author
- CyberSpace (Iron Crown Enterprises, 1st ed. 1989; 2nd ed. 1991) roleplaying game rules - author
- Kingdom of the Desert Jewel (Iron Crown Enterprises, 1990) roleplaying game setting - author
- Space Master (Iron Crown Enterprises, 2nd ed. 1990) roleplaying game rules - co-author
- Ghosts in the Machine (As If Productions, 1992) interactive theater piece - author/producer
- PIX-Elation (VRASP, 1992-1995) nationally-distributed magazine - sr. editor
- Mediatrix (As If Productions, 1993) interactive theater piece - author/producer
- Musers not Losers (Boing Boing, 1993) article - author
- IICS LA News (IICS, 1993-1994) society newsletter - author/editor
- World of Ideas (As If Productions, 1993) interactive theater piece - author/producer
- Tricks of the Internet Gurus (SAMS Publishing, 1994) nonfiction technical - co-author/interviewer
- Ocean Voyager (Times-Mirror Magazines, 1995) CD-ROM adventure game - author/designer
- The Palace Users Guide (ThePalace Inc, 1996) software manual - author/editor
- The Palace Server Guide (ThePalace Inc, 1996) software manual - author/editor
- The Palace Iptscrae Language Reference (ThePalace Inc, 1996) software manual - author/editor
- Web Page Wizardry (SAMS Publishing, 1996) nonfiction technical - co-author
- Building the Body Electric (Entertainment@Home, 1997) article on internet worlds - author
- Shockwave and Multimedia (SAMS Publishing, 1997) nonfiction technical - co-author
- The World of South Park (Comedy Central, 1997-1999) online environment - author/artist/producer
- KoRn KoRner (ThePalace Inc., 1997-1999) online environment - author/artist/producer
- Watch the World Die (As If Productions, 2014) storygame rules - author/publisher
- Pocket Things (As If Productions, 2014) storygame rules - author/publisher
- DayTrippers Core Rules (As If Productions, 2015) roleplaying game rules - author/publisher
- DayTrippers GameMasters Guide (As If Productions, 2015) roleplaying game rules - author/publisher
- Less Little (As If Productions, 2015) roleplaying game setting - author/publisher
- Vidome 123 (As If Productions, 2015) roleplaying game setting - author/publisher
- Golden Age Adventures (As If Productions, 2016) roleplaying game setting/anthology - designer/publisher
- Black Hole Run (As If Productions, 2016) roleplaying game setting - author/publisher
- Other Borders (As If Productions, 2016) roleplaying game rules - author/publisher
- Liar (Chella Faithe, 2016) short story - editor
- Asteria Rising (Chromatic Chameleon Publishing, unpublished) fictional geography/atlas - editor
- Crime of the Scene (S L Koch, 2017) short story - editor
- Phadra (Sierra Tenk, 2017) short story - editor
- The Mark of Change (Vicenzi Giacomo, 2017) roleplaying game rules - editor
- UbiquiCity (As If Productions, unpublished) science fiction anthology - author/curator/editor
- UbiquiCity Sourcebook (As If Productions, unpublished) roleplaying game setting - author/curator/editor
Looking for a writer or editor? Drop me a line.
- Tod Foley, As If Productions
Author Testimonials
"Tod Foley's guidance and attention to detail helped me to tell a far better story than I would have without his service."