Projects Tagged: 'interactive'

Ten25Enterprises wants to make online dating fun again. That's why they came up with the concept for a unique online dating site that cuts to the chase, letting you look for potential partners by specifying what you aren't looking for. The site functions as a simple matching game, challenging you to match "Dealbreakers" with the person who made them.

The underlying game engine was developed by As If Productions, using a combination of Drupal 6 modules and custom PHP scripts.


GoAway (Drupal Module)

GoAway is a dirt-simple, light-weight "Ban By IP" module for Drupal 6 and 7. It works by redirecting offending anonymous users to a page or URL specified by the admin. The module possesses the following features:


CerebralItch eCards are coming to the iPhone! This promotional site - the latest addition to the CerebralItch Network - was launched in April 2009 to pre-announce the upcoming (June 2009) release of their hilarious iPhone App. With art by by Paul Chamberlain, the site features a browsable gallery of cards and invitations, using the popular Shadowbox system to display them in slideshow format.


Oblique Strategies

by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt (copyright Eno & Schmidt)

An Oblique Strategy...

Honor thy error as a hidden intention

To get a different Oblique Strategy, click here.


Newbury Greens

Newbury Greens is an online artists community, personal artists gallery and exhibition hall for digital representations of physical artworks. Using a hybrid platform consisting of Drupal (for taxonomy and community features) and X-Cart (for e-commerce features), we were able to quickly put together a seamless user experience allowing art collectors to interact directly with each other, and with the artists whose work they are following.


Content Realtime

"Multi-media digital content anywhere anytime." Currently in beta, ContentRealtime provides a single place for file-seekers to find and purchase downloable content in various media, across a broad range of categories. CRT also allows Content Creators to upload thir own original content and offer it for sale. (Proceeds are split 50/50, and there is an affiliate program in the works as well.)



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