Apocalypse: Vegas

Fifty years after The Great Dying, life struggles on in the ruins of Las Vegas.
Campaign Notes:
These are the Actual Play reports of the APOCALYPSE:VEGAS campaign 2014. The gameworld details and history of the apocalypse were generated using "Watch the World Die", and play continues using the "Apocalypse World" + "Apocalypse: Emergence" rules.
Apocalypse Vegas sessions:
Campaign Home Page
History of the Apocalypse (Mar 20 2014)
Session 1: "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" (Apr 3 2014)
Session 2: "When It Rains, It Burns" (Apr 17 2014)
Session 3: "SNAP, CRACKLE, POP" (May 1 2014)
Session 4: "The Gang's All Here" (May 22 2014)
Session 5: "A Meeting of Minds" (Jun 5 2014)